Thursday, November 21, 2019


Here we are again.  You would think I would get the hang of it by now?  Idk, idk.

I got a fortune from a fortune cookie that said "live creatively."  And I mean, if there was any time to live creatively, for me, especially, it would be now.

Instead, I am completely at a loss for what that even means.  What does that even mean?

I guess, I need to approach this the way I would have approached work.  First, define what we're trying to explore. What does it mean to live and what does "creative" mean to me?

I guess, a life would be one that I would earn money and still have enough time to do things that I enjoy i.e. maybe climb?  A life where I also have time.

And creatively?  What the fuck that does that even mean?  Maybe live off a skillset that doesn't turn me into a ball of anxiety?  Maybe have the courage to live life?  HOW THE FUCK DO I EVEN?

Friday, May 24, 2019

Hot Yoga

Maybe if I  keep posting something like a sentence at time, I'll get back into the swing of things.

Hot yoga is like redemption.  It's like, "Yeah, I've been shitty at my home practice, but now this impossibly thin and flexible woman is enthusiastically telling me find my edge and go past it, and god I think my muscles are tearing, is that sweat or are they tears?"

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Today I woke up at 4:30am to go on a run. Wtf.
I should use this thing.